Stress Type Survival Guide

Good health is always with us, it is our awareness of it that comes and goes based on our emotions and mood. Being aware is the first step to you removing the hindrances to your perfect health. Identifying your stress type and start being aware of your responses. Chose the stress type that most describes you!
Identify How Your Body Now Reacts To Stress
6 Stress Types, Find Yours
Choose the stress type that most describes you.
Make note of your choice in the get in touch box below.
If you chose more than one, start the more dominant one first.
Speed controller
Borderline workaholic or perfectionist. Rapid speech that interrupts others frequently. Periods of deep fatigue after all-out effort. Everything must get 110% effort no matter how unimportant it is. Does this describe you?
What Next? Start being aware of when you are having rapid speech that interrupts others frequently, and when you are having periods of deep fatigue after all-out effort. The first step in blocking the stressor is being aware of your reaction, and making a decision to react differently.
2. Worry Smasher
Have trouble turning off thoughts. Rarely put self in gear for action. Have frequent anxiety and tension headaches. Slow to recover or come down from stress situation. Does this describe you?
What Next? Start being aware of when you are have the trouble of turning off negative thoughts, and the times you are putting yourself in gear for action. Also, make note of when anxiety and tension headaches occur. The first step in blocking the stressor is being aware of your reactions, and making the decision to react differently .
3. Drifter Stabilizer
Often feel dissatisfied that something is seriously missing in your life. Doubt your existing goal. Doesn’t go into anything very deeply. “Shot gun” energy spread across many options. Does this describe you?
What Next? Become aware of when you are feeling dissatisfied, that something is seriously missing in your life, and doubting your existing goal. The first step in blocking the stressor is being aware of your reactions, and making the decision to react differently.
4. Loner Communicator
Difficulty in giving or receiving closeness or intimate sharing. Feeling of uncomfortableness with others often masked with a smile. Feel lonely and often unfulfilled in relationships. Feel alone in carrying burdens or worries. Often cancel social events at the last minute. Does this describe you?
What Next? Become aware of when you are having feelings of uncomfortableness with others, and feelings of loneliness. The first step in blocking the stressor is to become aware of your reactions, and making the decision to react differently.
5. Basket-case Calmer
Energy often fades by mid-day. Frequent aches and pains in muscles and joints. Sometimes depressed and feel activities are too much to do. Does this describe you?
What Next? Become aware of when your energy fades, and when you are feeling overwhelmed. The first step in blocking the stressor is being aware of your reaction, and making a decision to react differently.
6. Cliff Safety Walker
Cliff walker risk factor chart… high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol misuse, no exercise. Difficulty sustaining energy. Usually a worn appearance. Does this describe you?
What Next? Become aware of when you are operating in risky behavior, and when you are having difficulty sustaining energy. Also, monitor when is your appearance unkept. The first step in blocking the stressor is being aware of your reactions, and making a decision to react differently.
Indication for follow up
Do you or your client have an hard to solve problem, need a diet plan , and looking for a solutions?
Let me know your stress type. If you answered yes to this last question, in the get in touch box below indicate the problem you would like to solve. We will get in touch with you and help you.
Make note of your stress type, and the reactions you will start to observe. Choose how to react. In our program you will master the art of reaction, awareness, observation, and learning your new habits. Being mindful is being fully aware, and engage in your new reactions.
Imagine yourself reacting differently, in a positive peaceful way. Create a script of it; write it down. This is the strategic start of developing control over your reactions, and effective healthy coping.
Rehearse this script in your mind every day, all day for the next 5 days. From this good script your subconscious memory can now start working. The repetition of this new thought process starts to create your new reactions. As a man think in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
Remember to take deep breaths and relax while you do this. Have fun with it. Make it joyful. After imagining, speaking, and affirming your new script each day, take a victors run. Open two windows in your home for air exchange, and with arms stretched high above your head, take a victory run. This is the victors run, as a dance, and a celebration of your accomplishment. With thanksgiving and joy do your victors dancing run.
This experience is the first step to change. Congratulations. We invite you to continue your transformation in our Program. Click the link to continue!